Carton Packaging | TMS Packaging

Different types of carton packaging and their uses

Mo Kassaby

Carton packaging is one of the most common forms of packaging used by businesses and individuals. Whether for moving, packaging products, storage, or even DIY. Many go for primary carton packaging, but what if you found out there is a variety to choose from based on your packaging needs? 

This article will discuss different types of carton packaging and their uses.

Types of carton packaging 

There are two types of carton packaging that give us different carton boxes we use, namely Rigid Cartons and Folding Cartons. 

  • Rigid Cartons
  • Rigid Cartons are also known as telescopic cartons. The design is made out of the top, bottom, and sides. It is made from two sheets of cardboard. Rigid cartons do not fold or collapse easily. This is great when utilised for products that require added support. Rigid cartons are primarily used as shoe boxes, packaging for clothing, and electronic items.

  • Folding Cartons 
  • Folding cartons are manufactured from a single sheet. They are commonly known as paperboard cartons because they are primarily paperboard. Folding cartons are more versatile because they can be cut and folded to make a box; they can also be styled with print, and the surfaces can be finished with lamination, embossing, boiling, glueing, and many more features. Examples of folding cartons include; cereal boxes, pizza boxes, and cough syrup boxes, where you can see a single sheet board has been folded to make the top, sides, and bottom. 

    Types of carton boxes in use

  • Corrugated Boxes 
  • Corrugated boxes are the most popular carton boxes, also called shipping boxes, corrugated fibreboard, and combined boxes. These boxes may be light in weight, but they are strong and durable. Corrugated boxes are manufactured from a corrugated sheet, which has three layers. The layers are labelled as follows; the middle layer is called the flute; it has a wavy texture and provides cushioning to the inside product.  The other two layers covering the middle layer are called liners. This design and structure are what give the box a higher bending rigidity. 

  • Boxboard or Paperboard cartons 
  • Box board paper is manufactured from a thick paper-based material. The advantage of using paperboard is that it can be folded, customised, and printed with vibrant colours; you can also line it with other materials. Boxboards are often laminated to give them extra strength and water-resistant properties; these types are popularly used in cosmetic packaging, electronic packaging, stationery packaging, etc. The finished products are often very attractive, making these boxes ideal for retail items placed on shop shelves.

  • Slotted cartons 
  • Slotted cartoons are most commonly made of corrugated paper; they are beneficial for storage and shipping purposes. Slotted cartons are strong and are great at securing products. These cartons are secured with staples and states and cost less to produce. 

  • Five Panel Wraps 
  • Five-panel cartons are popularly used to pack long items such as hockey and golf sticks, tennis rackets, bats, etc. The manufacturing of this carton includes a large sheet of cardboard bent to create five sides or panels. Due to this distinctive design, they are also referred to as smarty boxes. 

  • Aseptic Cartons 
  • These cotton are multi-layered and perfect for sustainable packaging. They are beneficial for storing liquid food items such as soups, juices, desserts, and baby foods. The layers used to manufacture these cartons include polyethylene, paperboard, aluminium barrier, and plastic, all attached using heat or adhesives. 

    Final thoughts

    TMS packaging offers a variety of carton packaging products that are fit for a variety of uses. Please browse our catalogue to find your carton packaging product today.
