Stretch shrink wrap

Stretch shrink wrap problems and their solutions

Mo Kassaby

Packing and packaging can be tricky if you are unfamiliar with some of the mishaps you or your employees may encounter in the process or even after. Although it is relatively easy to use, stretch shrink wrap has its issues if not applied correctly; sometimes, these issues are unavoidable no matter how careful one is. Most of these issues are common and easy to fix by adjusting the shrink tunnel's machine settings, temperature, air velocity, and conveyor speed. 

This article will discuss the issues one may face when using stretch shrink wrap and the solutions.

Caution and attention should be given to the rate at which the air escapes the stretch shrink wrap to ensure that your package is properly wrapped and looks good. In some cases, the size and quantity of your products affect and determine how quickly the balloon forms and collapses as the stretch shrink wrap shrinks. 

When you start using stretch shrink wrap, you need to make sure that you make an empty bag on your sealer with air inside from there and squeeze it to see if it will escape and where. From there, just pull on each seal individually, ensuring that all of them are strong. The strength of a seal is highly dependent on time, temperature and pressure. If your seals do not have the required strength, you are less likely to get a good shrink. It is also crucial that the field is relaxed and does not undertake stress; otherwise, when you seal, all your seals will be weak.

Types of issues when using Stretch shrink wrap and their solutions 

  • Fish Eyes 
  • Fish eyes are the round or oval patterns that form on your package due to poor shrinking. Fish eyes make your package look presentable and unprofessional, which is a downside and can lead to unhappy customers. 

    What causes fish eyes? 

    • Inadequate air velocity 
    • Too many perforations or inadequate seals
    • Insufficient heat 

    What are the solutions for fish eyes? 

    • Ensure that you provide sufficient air velocity from your heat source 
    • Reduce the bag size 
    • Lower the tunnel conveyor speed 
  • Angel Hair 
  • Angel Hair is the thin strands of stretch shrink wrap found between the product being sealed and the sealed end of the stretch shrink wrap. A large angel hair on the package can be unappealing, which is different from the effect you want to have on your customers. 

    What causes angel hairs? 

    • Uneven clamp pressure 
    • The type of stretch shrink wrap used 
    • Low sealing temperature 

    What are the solutions to angel hairs? 

    • Apply even clamp pressure 
    • Increase the sealing temperature to the correct and sufficient amount 
    • Use a more compatible stretch shrink wrap 
  • Dog Ear 
  • Dog ears are triangular and can be found at the corners of the product, which shows a lack of shrinkage. They primarily appear on corners or areas with large amounts of excess film before shrinking.

    What causes dog ear? 

    • Insufficient amount of heat  
    • Too many perforations or weak seals allow easy air escape 
    • Shrink wrap bag that is too large 

    What are the solutions to dog ear? 

    • Lower the tunnel conveyor speed 
    • Increase air velocity 
    • Add the correct amount of perforation 

    Final thoughts

    TMS packaging offers a variety of stretch shrink wrap in different quantities. Shop the highest quality in stretch shrink wrap with us and ensure that your packages always look their best. 
